February 12


Passion is a Great Dance Partner for Success

                     Passion is a Great Dance Partner

Passion helps your sucess
Allow YOUR Passion to     Move You

Do you dance alone or with others?
Is there one or two songs you really like?
Are you on hanging out on the dance floor or making life a dance?

Passion moves us. It guides us to an expanded way of being. Wow, that’s starting out pretty deep, isn’t it? Have you ever thought about passion being a great dance partner?

Is your Dancing Passion one of solitude or with others?

Your passion can be just about anything or anyone. This passion of yours is what ignites you into a greater joy. A great place to start is understanding a bit about how you move through life. Do you like being by yourself or with others?

Knowing the answer to this allows you to enjoy your solitude and gathering times. It help you glide into and through different circumstances more gracefully. Neither one is good nor bad. Both are necessary throughout life; however, one is your preferred method of being (and that’s OK).

Is your Passion singular or varied?

Some people’s passion is concentrated into one area of focus; while others may have multiple areas. Yesterday I was meeting someone for an appointment and I saw a truck at an intersection. The driver was a man who was closer to retirement age and his truck revealed his passion to the whole world. He was a War Veteran and wanted his vehicle to be a public announcement for honoring and assisting our veterans. He was quite effective.

Did this man have another passion? Perhaps, but I only noticed this. Yet, I know of several people who have several passions, or ignitors, in their life. I call them ignitors because their whole body lights up when they are in it or talking about it. It doesn’t matter how many you have, just that you have something to keep you alive 🙂

Dancing with YOUR Passion these days?

OK, remember back in high school (do you hear the harp music yet?) when there was a dance. Are you recalling how there were always some kids who would just hang out on the floor and sway?  I say “kudos!” to these kids – as awkward as they felt, they were living! The kids who didn’t make it to the floor, even to sway, missed out on what was “happening”. They were outside looking in. (By the way, you can dance wonderfully by yourself – I’ve witnessed it first hand).

I’m pretty sure you still remember the kids who were giving life everything they had out on the dance floor – shaking feverishly and making the moves. Right? Why do you think you remember them… they were on fire – all lit up! while on the floor giving life everything they had. They were living in the moment and filled with passion to experience it all. Clearly, their passion was memorable.

YOUR Business Rescue Coach Inquires:

  1. How are you showing up in the dance floor of life?
  2. How is your business showing up on the dance floor?
  3. What could you change immediately, with minimal effort, yet today?

Still need a little inspiration? Click on this post about Passion. Then watch the Winter Olympics and listen to some of the stories, struggles, and commitment stories of the Olympians, who are just like you and me. They really knew how to ignite their passion, create a wildfire, then contain it, and convert it into something quite purposeful!

Your Business Rescue Coach wants to know: Which kid were you on the dance floor? Are you still that same kid? Please share in the comment section so we can learn from each others best practices.


If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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  1. I never went to school dances; I never dated in high school. That is the past. Today I am dancing to my own tunes as well as others. I’m the 1st one out on the dance floor.

    Go passion! Go Team USA!

    Blake Cahoon
    Illuminated Engagements Centre for Whole-Being

    1. Yes, Go Team Go! Oddly enough, I didn’t get out on the floor during HS even though I went in as a cheerleader and took dance as a kid! I do belly dance, but not with a troupe that does public performances…interesting! I don’t mind speaking in front of many people, BUT I shine brightest when I am passionate about the topic 🙂

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