August 22


Delegation Strategies: Wk 8/25/14

Delegation of the excess on your plate by Maggie Mongan
Delegate your excess on your plate to others

      Delegation: Business Strategy & Tips
for next week!

“To truly understand business, you have to where all the hats
before you can take some of them off.”
~ Jim McNelis, CEO, Dito, 2013 Inc. 500

Your Delegation Awareness:

Delegation is a business strategy which isn’t implemented too effectively too often. Right now I bet you are recalling some really ineffective delegation situations you’ve experienced! On Monday’s post, I’m going to dive into this topic more. So for now, let’s just give you a tip or two to implement next week and beyond  🙂

I have witnessed effective delegation being completed in the manner of Jim McNelis’s quote. If something is going to be delegated, it is wise to know everything that needs to occur first hand so you can specifically share what needs to be accomplished. Additionally, you should share some tips on how you have found to accomplish it successfully. Once delegated, trust your delegatee and give them authority to deliver in the required time frame.

Yes, delegation is really this simple! Even though we over-simplify in this blog for everyone to apply our brilliant business strategies and tips, implementing this one can be this simple. On Monday’s post I will share the 2 major reasons why delegation becomes ineffective.

Business Strategy to optimize your leadership or business performance
via delegation:

If you are seeking to be an Agent OF Change, you will need to learn how to delegate effectively to optimize performance. One of the most effective and efficient ways to optimize is consider your own and your team’s strengths and weaknesses.

Make a list of strengths and weaknesses. Reallocate job responsibilities accordingly to those who have naturally excelled in particular tasks. If your whole tasks lists is assessed appropriately, you can release some activities which are bogging you down. You know, the stuff that is truly keeping you from the tasks only you can truly do best. If you do this with your whole team, everyone will have equal opportunity to release tasks, which are difficult, and take on new tasks to complete more effectively and efficiently.

DELEGATION WARNING TO BUSINESS LEADERS: Delegating a task doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible for its completion and success. It simply means you outsourced the activities to be completed by another. You are still fully responsible for delivering it successfully.

The choice is yours. Are you going to be an Agent OF Change and take it on yourself or have another bring about the change? Choose wisely to optimize overall performance.

Inspiring Quotes to assist you with Delegation:

“Surround yourself with great people; delegate authority; get out of the way.”
~ Ronald Reagan

“If you delegate tasks, you create great followers. If you delegate authority, you create great leaders.”
Craig Groeschel

“To handle yourself use your head. To handle others use your heart.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt


 If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750  for a NO-COST Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan

Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan


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  1. Great quotes! I have several tasks on my plate right now and I know I will be delegating this to an outsourced vendor of said services. I am learning I can’t do it all myself. I have to ask for help!

    Looking forward to more about delegation!

    Blake Cahoon, Illuminated Engagements Centre for Whole Being

    1. Outsourcing… important awareness. Glad you are on top of this as a micro-entrepreneur! You are in luck- we will be spending more time dedicated to delegation during next week 🙂

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