August 24


Consumer Update Impacts Business

Consumer Update of what is impacting business  in 2014

Consumer Update Report
Consumer Update Report

Consumers are controlling your destiny
Do you know how they are behaving?
Have you created a plan to address their new behaviors?

This past week we posted about Plan B … “B” for what to do when Plan A goes Belly-up 🙂 The American economy has been wonky since 2008, when it plummeted. Now, the Gallup Business Journal is here to share the realities of what is going on and how the consumer is ready to make purchases again.

This post will not replace our normal Monday post. When You click on this report (below) of what the “American Consumer is Thinking” from The Business Journal of Gallup you will be able to see the trends of what has been consumers have been up. This will give you the opportunity to optimize your business plans to maximize your customer service and revenue. I felt like it was almost as if I were looking into a crystal ball of what’s happening out there so I know what to be doing inside to prepare my business appropriate for optimization 🙂

Review Your Consumer Update now by clicking here:

FYI: You don’t need to be an economist to read this consumer update- just open-minded! Hope you appreciate the insights as much as I did! If you’d like to discuss any of this, feel free to respond in the comment section or call me directly at the number below 🙂


If you want to discuss how to strategize or a particular strategy you need some assistance with,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750, Central Time, for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan


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  1. I think this information can be helpful when we see if our products and services are thought of as essential or non-essential. If you are selling food, shelter or clothing, your sales may be good. If you are selling spiritual services, they may not be thought of as essential, so people may not be spending extra money in that area. This is where our compelling marketing will be helpful.

    1. Yes, I complete agree! Isn’t it great to know for a fact that essential is purchases are more common? I think it is because if you are offering non-essential then it helps you understand why your numbers may not leaping forward like essential purchases are. I appreciate your comment about compelling marketing- this is always the way to drive more sales! Keep rockin’ it out Barbara Marie, you are on track 🙂

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