Business Strategies as YOUR Business Rescue Coach
invites you to the movies:

What can the movie, “Iron Man 3” (2013) teach about business strategy?

Today, we share a Business Strategy, or three, via the “Iron Man 3” (2013) movie.

Iron Man 3 Movie Image via  Movie Business Strategy by
Iron Man 3 Movie Image via

There is no doubt this is a very high octane move AND it has an excellent story line with full character development 🙂 Tony Stark must deal with something from his past which threatens his relationship with the true love of his life and his future lifestyle. I won’t spoil it so I will stop here… just go see it, make sure you stay until the credits are completed, and enjoy the 3 Business Strategies below 🙂


POWERSUITS: Dress for Success

Tony Stark, AKA: Iron Man, has been creating over 40 different Iron Man “powersuits” with a variety of different capabilities. Needless to say, Stark had powersuits to the nines – my husband thinks this is the ultimate “powersuit”! Some of his powersuits are better “suited” for particular activities and events than others – just like our powersuits in our closets 🙂  Tony has 40+ different options. I do realize everyone doesn’t need to suit-up and I am blessed this way- I can when the appropriate time appears.

Do you dress for success? Sometimes, “power(suit)ing down” is most appropriate, of course dressing to the appropriate level of the circumstance. Sometimes entrepreneurs and senior managers forget to dress for success because they aren’t in front of a customer or boss when they’re traveling or running to the grocer. Be careful about this, you may not have to wear a powersuit all the time, but make sure you are at least dressed business casual. After all, you never know who you might bump into and who they know!


MASTERY:  Practice for Positive Outcomes

OK, let’s all just admit it – Tony is eccentric and at times very whimsical. Oddly enough, he is also quite committed with exquisite self-discipline to his work-outs, play-time, and professional development. During the movie we see him for a bit practicing his martial arts, staying social with friends, staying connected with peers, and remembering to develop his love life – sorta. Remember: Practice moves YOU toward Mastery!

Do you take consistent actions to keep your professional activities proceeding? Taking a committed approach to success does often occur with incremental actions of progress. Keep your eye on the prize and have faith that your “baby steps” will move you toward positive outcomes.

Do you also take consistent action to keep your professional and personal activities balanced? If you want to help your loved ones feel like they matter in your life even more,  go to them with your calendar wide open and say, “You are what matters to me most, what would you like to do and when?” Do you take time to make sure you get your most important people and activities on your calendar above all work activities? If not, this is a great time to plan this upcoming season’s activities!

RESEARCH: Your Competitive Advantage Activity

Research isn’t just for scientists any longer! Tony always chose to be intrigued with new things. As the elevator story goes… the one time he didn’t, well, isn’t this what the whole movie’ plot is about? Yep and I’m not going to spoil it for you!

If you are someone who is lamenting as you know I’m about to suggest you take right action to do particular research to grow your business… well yes, I am suggesting this, but you don’t need to be so glum.

So what’s the trick to doing research so it gives you a competitive advantage in your marketplace? Research something that interests you! You already have an advantage you didn’t have 10 year ago – the internet. It’s filled with endless information, right? Well, why not put it to good use and ultimately help you build, grow, and own your marketplace? If technology intrigues you; why not become the social media wizard in your industry or build an outstanding website? If you enjoy visual aids; why not learn how to create some really cool videos? If you are a reader; why not offer recaps of your book reviews to your customers? If you are about people and places; why not be the one who “shows up” everywhere spreading value, you already hold, into your marketplace? It really isn’t that difficult, but it does involve dedication to be known for something unique.

Take a moment a kill this coach’s curiosity… Please take a second to answer in the comment section,  “What type of research can you do to differentiate yourself and own your marketplace?”  Let’s see how creative we can be together 🙂


Brought to you by:
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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