June 10


Business Strategy: Accentuate the Positive

Accentuate the Positive


Business Rescue Coach Maggie asks you:

Do you accentuate the positive results you acquire?
Are you focusing on everything that still needs to be completed?
Are you celebrating your successes?


YOUR Business Strategy today is to stop for 5 minutes and determine if you accentuate the positive. Do you find yourself focusing on the negative or positive?  Why? Well, really, who wants to be around a Negative Nellie? Negativism doesn’t attract new clients, doesn’t encourage you to step into your potentiality, nor grow a business. Indeed, and now it’s time to make a shift to the positive 🙂

Right about now, I feel like I really don’t need to say anymore, but we like learning through stories, right? OK, I will share with you how this is showing up in one of my client’s world.

A Client’s Story of Wanting to Accentuate the Positive:

Let me set the stage first: this client is a real go-getter. She has a chosen a career when she can serve many businesses with a service they most often aren’t even aware of and if they enroll in her services, they will save a great deal of time, stress, and save a ton of money with minimal effort. Sounds like a dream for a customer doesn’t it?

The type of business she’s in requires her to make a minimum of 40 cold calls a day to convert the appropriate ratio of cold calls into paying clients. This is necessary for her to meet her sales revenue goals (it is 100% commission). Oh, did I mention that her service is absolutely free to her customers? Yep, it’s really cool 🙂

A Client’s Cautionary Rub to Accentuate the Positive:

Let’s make sure we first acknowledge that making 40 cold calls a day is not for everyone, nor is it easy! (I know this first hand because I did it for 10 years!) Now, let’s talk about the rub: This past week she missed her weekly call volume by 4 calls, AND she made the most client attraction calls she has ever made in a week. Isn’t this pretty awesome? I say, Yes, it really is!

Now most folks focus on “I didn’t make my call #s for the week”, and then begin to beat themselves up by belittling what was accomplished. But what if we could tweak this eroding mentality and have her say, ” Wow, I almost did it! I was only 4 call shy and next week I know I can do this!” What kind of shift do you think this will create in her?

Business Strategy: Accentuate the Positive, Business Rescue Coach
Accentuate the Positive Secret Handshake

A Client’s Learning to Accentuate the Positive

Do you see how easy this is appears to make a little mental tweak to accentuate the positive and celebrate in your, your business’s, or your team’s successes? It may appear to be easy, but this is a reconditioning program for our minds – and the shift isn’t pretty at all, much like going to the gym is for our body. FYI: This change isn’t too hard–we just need to retrain our brain to support us!

I had an encouraging conversation that all is well, and is truly moving in the right direction. She is ready to dive into it this week and see what kind of momentum she can build. Knowing that is all part of crushing sales goals! (If I were a betting woman, I’d bet she will meet her goal this week AND will have a ton of fun doing it.)


YOUR Brilliant Action Items to Accentuate the Positive:

  1. Are you setting your goals from a place of lack and frustration or accentuating the positive you want in your life?
  2. Do you make time to mentally get your head into the Accentuate the Positive Game so you can produce gracefully and effortlessly daily?
  3. Do you make time to celebrate successes? Success breeds success, start today by reading this post.



What success are you willing to share right now to Accentuate the Positives you are creating?
Feel free to Leave a Reply & Comment so we can all help eachother build Brilliant Businesses 🙂

It can be all different this year…
if you plan to deliver different results in 2013!

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Business Rescue Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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  1. I have to admit, my last blog, wasn’t accentuating the positive, but enhancing the negative. Opps! And the results are that I haven’t gotten much feedback. I even had a sad face on the blog as a picture. While I was trying to make a point, it really didn’t work. Back to being positive for me! Thanks for the reminder!

    Blake Cahoon

    1. The good news is that we caught it! The other good news is that you will remember this for a while 🙂 And then I’ll probably blog about it again and everyone, not just you will say, “Oh, yeah, I remember this :)” It’s all good, if we remember to allow it to be! Blessings of Brilliant Business to YOU!

  2. Thanks Maggie! This is a “biggie” for me… A hard habit to break for me……….. instead of seeing all the beautiful websites I have built, I see the one that I am not finished yet….YIKES!!! I see more clearly now, how that type of energy is NOT GOOD FOR ME or my business. Now that I see it more clearly, I will committ to seeing the glass half full instead of half empty! Thanks again for your reminders!!! Have a wonderful week!

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